📣 Second Pre-Clinical Study on Symetrian™ Published

New Zea Mays Sleep and Stress Research to Accompany Ingredient Launch at SupplySide West 2022

Tacoma, WA -October 18, 2022: Unigen announced today the second published clinical study on its Zea mays (corn leaf)-derived, patented, clinically proven natural sleep aid Maizinol™. Published in the Journal of Medicinal Food, the study evaluated the effects of corn leaf extract (UP165) on sleep quality and overall wellbeing of 45 healthy volunteers (24 female and 21 male) between the ages of 19 and 73.

“At the conclusion of the study, we found that our standardized corn leaf extract Maizinol™ improved sleep quality by increasing the deep sleep stage of sleep by almost half an hour, compared to about a 4-minute increase from the placebo group,” said Lidia Brownell, Vice President of Clinical Research and Regulatory Compliance. “It is commonly believed that a person should have reached at least 90 minutes of total deep sleep time to achieve a good quality sleep, and the subjects taking Maizinol™ were able to do that.”

Nearly 70 million U.S. adults have sleep-related problems.1 Due to that prevalence, many consumers are looking toward nutraceuticals, like Maizinol™, as safe and efficacious alternatives to synthetic melatonin. Following a 2-week baseline period, the double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial administered 250 and 500 mg/day doses for four weeks. Subjects in all three groups were monitored nightly for sleep latency, efficiency, and rapid eye movement time. They were also monitored weekly with Sleep Quality Survey and salivary cortisol levels.

“Researchers tracking the salivary cortisol levels found that participants supplementing with Maizinol™ were able to better maintain healthy cortisol levels and so were less likely to experience premature waking,” said Dr. Qi Jia, CEO. “Adding this study to our previous research, we have a great opportunity here to offer consumers a natural, efficacious alternative for a less stressful, more restorative sleep.”

Unigen additionally plans to unveil its latest Zea mays ingredient, SerenZea™ at SupplySide West. SerenZea™ helps to reduce cortisol levels, regulate serotonin biosynthesis and inhibit tryptophan dioxygenase, all important aspects to managing mood and stress health. SerenZea™ was developed from mood and stress research collected in 2 human clinical trials and data published in 2 peer reviewed papers, per Dr. Jia.

For additional information on Maizinol™ and SerenZea™ and their latest research, stop by the Unigen Booth #3472 at SupplySide West. Maizinol™ will be featured at SupplySide West’s November 2nd Supplier Presentation Theater, along with Unigen’s immune support ingredient, Symetrian™.

About Unigen

Unigen discovers, develops, and manufactures proprietary natural-product active ingredients for dietary supplements, cosmetic and personal care products, prescription medical food and botanical drug products. The Company discovers its ingredients through its high throughput screening PhytoLogix™ approach applied to a proprietary well-annotated collection of botanicals and a legacy mining approach applied to botanicals having known medicinal benefits.

Mechanism of action, safety and efficacy are documented with extensive preclinical in vitro and in vivo testing and by human clinical studies. Unigen protects its discoveries with issued patents and patent filings in all major territories and manufactures its products to GMP standards. Unigen commercializes its proprietary ingredients through licensing and ingredient supply alliances with commercial partners engaged in the manufacture, distribution, and marketing of end-products in each of Unigen’s target markets.


Kathy Markham, Marketing Manager
Email: kmarkham@unigen.net